Is It Time to Replace Your Gas Furnace?


Fall is the ideal time to arrange for a replacement for an old heating system, like a gas furnace (the most common type of heater throughout the country). Most HVAC technicians have slower schedules between the heat of summer and cold of winter, making it easier to slot in a full furnace replacement. Fall also gives you time to pick out the right system in time for the arrival of the first truly cold day of the year.

But how Do I Know It’s Time for A New Furnace?

This is the big question, since you don’t want to pay for a new furnace if your current one still has a number of solid years left in it and hasn’t become an energy waster. There are some basic criteria you can look at to help you make a decision—although you should also consult with HVAC professionals before making a firm choice.

  • Furnace age: The average gas furnace—provided it receives regular maintenance—will work for 15 to 20 years before it starts to deteriorate. If your furnace is more than 20 years old, it’s a smart idea to have it replaced before it forces you to replace it… by abruptly breaking down. An older gas furnace is also more likely to become a safety risk.
  • Repair frequency: How often have you needed to schedule repairs for your furnace during the last two years? If it’s more often than twice a year, the system is becoming too much of a hassle and is likely on the edge of a larger breakdown. Any annual repair total that’s greater than $500 is too much. And if any single repair is more than half the cost of a replacement furnace, the replacement is the better choice.
  • Inefficiency: Take a look over your heating bills for the past few years. Have they increased steadily, even with regular maintenance and prompt repairs? If that increase isn’t due to something like using the furnace more often or a rise in natural gas prices, then it’s probably a warning that the furnace needs to retire.

Arrange for your furnace services with Bob Mims Heating & Air Conditioning in Staten Island, NY.