5 Things To Love About Our Maintenance Program


5 Things To Love About Our Maintenance Program


What if there was a way to ensure that you get the best operation from your furnace with a lower cost and smaller time commitment? You may be excited to learn that there is, in fact, a service that accomplishes this. You can schedule furnace maintenance in Staten Island, NY to get the most from your furnace.

If you are pausing because you know that maintenance is usually a service that is meant for the fall, we are happy to tell you that there is no time like the present! Even late maintenance can help your furnace.

Why You Should Consider Scheduling Maintenance

If you didn’t knock out your annual maintenance appointment for your furnace in fall, we want to emphasize that it isn’t too late. You can still get a tune-up and yes it will still benefit you and your system.

Maintenance addresses a variety of small issues before they escalate. For example, your technician may clean the interior of your furnace before dirt can clog your burners and cause problems. The cleaning, optimizing, tuning, and other tasks involved in maintenance help your furnace work as effectively as possible and provides you with some great peace of mind too.

5 Things to Adore About Our Maintenance Program

We want you to make the most of your yearly furnace maintenance appointment. That is why we created our maintenance program. We call it the Bob Mims Maintenance Agreement. For the price of less than a cup of coffee each day, you can enjoy some great added perks that come along with the regular benefits of annual maintenance. Let us tell you some more about why this is such a great option:

  1. Better system operation: Maintenance will address issues that might otherwise hinder your furnace’s effectiveness and efficiency. That translates to better heating without a higher cost.
  2. Fewer repair needs: A furnace that is tuned-up regularly is going to need fewer repairs. That’s less time and money that you have to spend in the future.
  3. Added discounts: Yearly tune-ups already help you to save money but that just wasn’t enough for us. We wanted to make sure that you got the best bang for your buck so we added some great discounts that program members will enjoy like 20% off repairs.
  4. Priority scheduling: No one enjoys having to wait days or weeks to get their furnace in order. That is why we provide program members with priority scheduling. We will provide same-day service as long as you call before 3 PM.
  5. No overtime charges: Have maintenance or repairs that ran a little longer than expected? That’s okay! You won’t have to worry about overtime charges when you sign up for a service agreement.

When it comes to keeping your furnace running right, you should only trust trained professionals to get the job done. That’s what we are here for. When you want to enjoy the best comfort at the best price, make sure you reach out to our team.

Contact Bob Mims Heating & Air Conditioning to schedule a tune-up or learn more about our maintenance program. Serving Staten Island’s Heating and A/C needs since 1955.