5 Tips to Prepare For Cooling Season
It is incredibly cold outside so why in the world are we talking to you about your air conditioning in Staten Island, NY? The reality is that the cold weather won’t last forever and, when things heat up around here, they really heat up. When that change in the weather comes it pays to be prepared.
With that said, we want to bring you back to talking about your air conditioner. While it might feel a little early to start preparing your system, it is a good idea to knock some of these items off your list now so you have less to worry about later this year.
5 Tips to Prepare Your AC For Warmer Weather
Here are some helpful tips to make sure your home and your air conditioner are prepared when things eventually start to warm up.
- Change out your AC filter. Filters should be changed out (or cleaned if yours is reusable) every one to three months. If you haven’t done this already, now is a great time to check your filter. If it is dirty, you should change it out before you need to use your AC.
- Make sure your vents are clean and clear. Airflow into your AC isn’t the only thing that can impact your system operation. Imagine your poor AC working hard to make cold air but then it barely makes a difference? Make sure there is nothing blocking the vents around your home to hinder the airflow out of your system.
- Check for air leaks around the house. Air leaks around your doors and windows can mess with your home comfort all year long. Addressing air leaks around your home with caulk or weatherstripping can help improve your comfort now and later by reducing heat transfer in and out of your home (in summer this will keep the cold air indoors).
- Make sure your ceiling fans are rotating counterclockwise. The ceiling fan in your home isn’t going to cool you off exactly but it can help you feel cooler when it counts. Make sure to switch your fan to rotate counterclockwise as things start to warm up. This pushes the cool air down into the room, helping you feel cooler and reducing the need for your AC.
- Schedule system maintenance early. Last but not least, make sure you schedule maintenance for your air conditioner early. By knocking this service out ahead of time it provides all of the benefits of regular maintenance while also helping save you time that otherwise would have been spent waiting “in line.”
With these tips, you can help make sure that your air conditioner is prepared for when the weather decides to turn around and warm up. Our team is here for you whether you need heating or cooling services. Serving Staten Island’s Heating and A/C needs since 1955, we are known for providing quality solutions that are designed to meet the needs of each client, rather than opting for a one-size-fits-all approach.
Contact Bob Mims Heating & Air Conditioning to schedule your next service appointment.