Don’t Forget Your Furnace Maintenance Service
Now is the time to make sure that you will stay comfortably warm in the coming months. Yes, break out the cold-weather clothes and unearth your favorite warm drinks to enjoy. But, while you are doing this, make sure to reach out for a tune-up too.
Maintenance is an extremely important furnace service in Staten Island, NY. We will dive into the reasons below. Our suggestion is to schedule your appointment now and brush up on the benefits of this annual service while you wait for your technician to arrive.
Why Schedule Maintenance Every Year For Your Furnace
Maintenance services aren’t an “every once in a while” type of thing. This is a job that needs to be done every single year if you want to reap the benefits of it. These are the perks you’ll enjoy from annual maintenance provided by a professional technician:
- Maintenance will help system efficiency. Scheduling a tune-up for your furnace is going to help it operate with better energy efficiency. Without this service, your furnace will lose a certain percentage of its efficiency. If you schedule that tune-up though you’ll enjoy better energy efficiency throughout the season.
- A tune-up will ensure good heating performance. When you stay on top of your annual tune-ups it will also help your furnace perform more effectively. Dirty build-up or loose parts that would otherwise hinder your system’s operation are addressed, allowing it to perform as well as possible. This means that you will enjoy better comfort throughout the colder months.
- Your furnace will be safer with yearly maintenance. Gas furnaces have the potential to become unsafe without regular maintenance. Thankfully, scheduling those tune-ups will help to address any issues in the system before they escalate into a potentially dangerous repair need. The longer your furnace goes without the necessary upkeep, the more likely it may be to become harmful to your home.
- Tune-ups reduce repair needs. Speaking of repairs, regular maintenance can help to reduce the instance of repair needs. This can mean keeping repairs to a minimum, once every few years, over the course of the system’s lifespan. This translates to better performance and less money spent too.
- Tune-ups will guarantee a longer system lifespan. Your furnace system will also last a lot longer with regular tune-ups. You paid a lot of money for your furnace, so you want it to last as long as possible. Tune-ups can help to extend your lifespan from 10 years to 15 years.
Make the Most of Your Maintenance With a Service Agreement
Are you a person who writes things down to remember them? Or perhaps you put a reminder in your phone to keep track of your to-do list. Why not make things a little easier on yourself?
Sign up for a Bob Mims Maintenance Agreement today to enjoy the benefits of discounts and quality annual maintenance. We will reach out to remind you that it is time for a tune-up so you never have to worry about missing out.
Make sure to reach out to Bob Mims Heating & Air Conditioning to schedule your furnace tune-up. Serving Staten Island’s Heating and A/C needs since 1955.