Do Ductless Systems Work Effectively as Heaters as Well as Air Conditioners?

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Do Ductless Systems Work Effectively as Heaters as Well as Air Conditioners?

Investing in a new HVAC system for your home is a big decision. It’s one you have to live with for the next 10 to 15 years. With all the buzz about ductless mini split systems, you may be wondering if one is right for you. While ductless mini splits are wonderful, they do also have some downsides that you need to consider before making the investment.

You can always give us a call for ductless heating installation in Staten Island, NY. Our team can visit your home and offer an assessment of how a ductless mini split would work for your family. You can also keep reading to learn more about the benefits of a ductless mini split, as well as the potential shortcomings.

What Is a Ductless Mini Split?

A ductless mini split HVAC system works similarly to a heat pump. However, heat pumps are central units that attach to ductwork for conditioning your home. A ductless mini split, just like the name implies, does not require any ductwork. Instead, you have small, miniature heat pumps installed strategically around your home to provide whole-house temperature control without the need for ductwork.

You can set each of your mini split units to the same settings for a consistent temperature across your home. Or you can close doors to individual rooms and keep the separate zones of your home at varying temperatures that each person prefers. No matter how you use your heat pump, you stand to save some money on your monthly energy costs. Eliminating ductwork ensures that 100% of the air that gets heated or cooled blows directly into your home.

Heating Considerations

Energy savings are even higher in the winter because of how a heat pump operates to bring warmth into your home. Instead of working like a furnace to create heat, a heat pump transfers heat in from the outside. Even when it is cold outside, there is still some heat in the air. The refrigerant lines in the system absorb that heat and transfer it into your home.

The one downside to this method of operation is that the colder it gets, the less heat there is in the air. There may be days when temperatures drop low enough that the system doesn’t work as efficiently. This can make your home feel less comfortable than you really want it to.

Additional Options

If you find that your ductless mini split unit isn’t quite keeping up with your heating expectations, you do have some options. First, our team can complete a check-up on your ductless mini split to see if it is experiencing any issues that may be preventing adequate heating. If there are any concerns, we can address them and improve the heat pump output.

But if nothing is wrong or our maintenance steps don’t improve your heating situation, you may need to go a different route. There is an option to add on a small furnace that can aid in heating your home when temperatures are at their coldest. This is a great way to get the best of both worlds. You have a more efficient heating system when you need it, and the energy efficiency and convenience of a ductless mini split the rest of the year.

Serving Staten Island’s Heating and A/C needs since 1955. Contact the Bob Mims team to schedule an appointment for your ductless mini split service today!